Creative ways to earn money from home


Ever thought of making money from home? Well, ideas, like providing coaching or opening a small boutique, would surround your mind. What about using the internet for the same? Yes, the internet can contribute a lot to raising your monthly income. People have a common misconception that you need to be a great computer geek for earning money on the World Wide Web. Crushing that myth, we tell you confidently that no such condition is required. You just need to be talented and creative and lots of jobs are waiting for you!


Publish your own eBook

There was a time when authors used to run behind the publishing companies in order to get their work published. Finding a suitable publishing company used to be a tough task at that time as most of the companies used to refuse to keep in mind the quality of work. But with the advent of the online industry, there has been some grand advancement. You don’t have to do anything to promote your book. Some of the websites where you can self publish your books include Barnes and Noble and Amazon.


Freelance your skills

Almost every one of us is rewarded with a skill which has a market value at present. You can turn out to be a good content writer, designer, coder or programmer. There are various websites like iWriter, 99deisgns, Upwork and freelancer which tend to provide work to the people having such skills. You can find the best one there and start working on it.

Earning from blog

A blog can also serve as a great source of income. If your blog gets a fair amount of traffic, you can sign up for Adsense. Once you sign up for Adsense, a fair amount of companies will start contacting you for placing their ads on your blog. The number of clicks ads get through your blog will decide your incomes. Google also pays a portion of revenue to active bloggers with good traffic and an Adsense account.

App testing

With an increase in the craze towards smartphones, apps are needed to accommodate the increasing demand. The smartphone is nothing without great apps. For the proper development of apps, proper app testers are also needed. Such people perform the role of debugging the code and finding out the mistakes so that they can run well. uTest is one such application that provides payments in return for your help.

Design t-shirts

Ever been to a mall and an instinct thought came to your mind, that this t-shirt requires a little amendment? If yes, you can earn money through t-shirt designing as well. There are websites like and Such websites accept the designs submitted by designers and if it gets approved, you get the deserving incentive.


These are some of the ways by which you can easily earn money at home; however, a still lot are waiting to be explored!


By Thomas C.


fabiola diamond

Author, entrepreneur, and eCommerce professional helping small business owners implement easy to apply strategies for growth

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